Michael Patrick

East Coast, USA

Hi! I'm Mike, the guy that made PersonalStack 🙂

Before that, I worked in Big Tech for 10 years as an SDE, sold several small internet businesses (most notably IndexGuru), and now I kind of just build things that I think are interesting.

My expertise is a strange hybrid between niche internet businesses, SEO, and Web Development.

My favorite twitter follows


I don't really know anything personally about this guy. But, he offers a lot of interesting perspective after what sounds like a life full of experience in loss, mistakes, and business success. He was somebody that fell victim to the hedonic treadmill, ruined his marriage, picked up the pieces, and now lives in the Smoky Mountains with his girlfriend. He tweets about mistakes he made when he was younger, businesses he's built, and just generally has a unique perspective.

Arvid Kahl

Indie developer that built and sold a few small businesses. It's super easy to be negative on the internet, and Arvid is not that - he is always incredibly kind and positive and just a good presence to have in your feed.

Nick Huber

Hate him or love him, you can't argue with the success he's had. The guy started his career founding a small moving company with his friend in college. Then he got into the self storage business. Then he got into real estate. Then he got into even more, and now he pretty much has a miniature empire. On top of that, he's a master at gaming the twitter algorithm to grow. He trolls hard, but it gives him engagement, and it allows his business to grow even more.

My podcast stack

I spend at least 12 hours per week on the train, usually listening to podcasts. These are my favorites.

My First Million

Two dudes that have the perfect mix of goofball / interesting business content. Every episode gives me some form of inspiration, entertainment, and insight.

The Startup Ideas Pod

Greg Isenberg, CEO of Late Checkout, has guests on his pod every week and they just kind of brainstorm cool and interesting startup ideas. Another one to get the creative juices flowing.


Two guys very familiar with sillicon valley and tech businesses do deep dive episodes on the biggest, most interesting companies in the world. That probably sounds boring to 90% of the world, but they craft an amazing narrative and make the stories incredibly interesting. I recommend listening to the episode about the origins of Amazon in particular.

How To Take Over the World

Similar to acquired, except instead of deep dives on business, it's deep dives on the come up of people that have "taken over the world". My favorite episodes are the ones about Napoleon Bonaparte and Alexander the Great.

My tech stack

This is what I use to build virtually all of my businesses. This stack built PersonalStack! I've built at least a dozen little sites at this point, and over time created a boilerplate that is specific to how I like my code organized. Now it's as simple as running git clone, replacing some env variables, and getting into it.


It's just what I know and use professionally. I know Angular, Vue, etc are all probably just as good - these are interchangeable. The key is using what you know.


I reaaaaally care about SEO. It's how I market everything. Good SEO can't really be minimized in to a single thing, but, the technicals are important. NextJS makes it super easy to get fast page loads, static rendering, all the good stuff that makes Google like my website more.


Firebase gives you auth, storage, dbs, real-time updates, etc. It's a backend as a service. You can build your own backend out, probably save some money, but you will spend 2 months before coming to even 50% parity with firebase. With NextJS SSR, I don't even really have to worry about going too heavy on the reads/writes.


Beautiful components that look nice and actually pack a punch. If you like how PersonalStack looks, it's mantine.


It's Stripe. Need I say more?

My book stack

I reread these books once per year


Marcus Aurelius. An Emperor of the Roman Empire. Actually a good dude. Kept a private journal. Detailed his thoughts and troubles throughout his life. It was discovered years later, and, now it's Meditations. I don't know how to describe it more than that other than it's awesome and.. "deep"


Everybody wants to live longer. This book won't give you that. But, it will give you the tools to increase your "healthspan". Healthspan is like, how long you are alive AND healthy enough to "live", not just how long you are breathing. The writing style is super approachable and it's just packed with information.

The Stormlight Archive

High fantasy fiction that just totally rocks. It's got a really slow start but, once it get's going, you won't be able to put it down. My favorite fiction book ever.

My hardware stack

This is the hardware that I use literally every day of my life. I make my living and life through these devices, which is weird to think about.

Apple Watch Series 7

I answer texts faster. I time my runs easily. I measure my distance, elevation, and heart rate easily. It reminds me to get up and move every day, and that results in me just feeling better. Worth it.

Macbook Pro

Space black edition, 18GB Ram. I do all of my work on this thing. It's a workhouse. The main benefit I like is that the battery feels like it last forever and it literally does not get hot. Prior to this I had a 2017 Macbook Pro - the two are night and day.

iPhone 15 Pro

The main benefit is you get to say "use my phone it has the best camera" before group photos.